Chakra Tones Frequency Generator

Download free chakra frequency audio tones

For personal and commercial use

STEP 1: Choose the frequency tone

STEP 2: Choose the duration

STEP 3: Generate chakra frequency tone

Please select the frequency and the duration

Click the button below to generate the MP3 file:

Working... Done! Download file

128 Kbps MP3

Download all 7 frequencies with one click.

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License (read carefully)

You can use this sound in any video or audio project (including commercial) but you may not resell or re-distribute the sound "as is".

Chakra Frequency Tones Pack

Get the best audio quality + longer sounds

Download all 7 chakra tones

The pack contains:

7 frequency tones MP3 320 Kbps (1 hour long)
7 frequency tones WAV 24Bit / 48kHz WAV (5 Min loops)

Download now

About chakra frequencies

Chakras are the seven energy centers in the human body that correspond to specific physical, emotional, and spiritual functions.

396 Hz – Root Chakra (मूलाधार चक्र)

The root chakra is associated with the frequency of 396 Hz that governs our sense of stability and safety. Listening to this tone is thought to help with issues related to anxiety, fear, and a lack of security.

417 Hz – Sacral Chakra (स्वाधिष्ठान चक्र)

The sacral chakra is associated with the frequency of 417 Hz and it govern our sense of creativity, sexuality, and pleasure. Listening to this frequency is thought to help with issues related to creativity, sexuality, and emotional balance.

528 Hz – Solar Plexus Chakra (मणिपूर चक्र)

The solar plexus chakra is associated with the frequency of 528 Hz that governs our sense of personal power, self-esteem, and confidence. Listening to to music or tones in this frequency helps with issues related to self-worth, self-confidence, and personal power.

639 Hz – Heart Chakra (अनाहत चक्र)

The heart chakra is associated with the the frequency of 639 Hz and it governs our sense of love, compassion, and connection. Listening this frequency is thought to help with issues related to emotional balance, forgiveness, and relationships.

741 Hz – Throat Chakra (विशुद्ध चक्र)

The throat chakra is associated with the frequency of 741 Hz and it governs our sense of communication, self-expression, and authenticity.

Listening to this tone is thought to help with issues related to self-expression, communication, and authenticity.

852 Hz – Third Eye Chakra (आज्ञा चक्र)

The third eye chakra is associated with the frequency of 852 Hz. It governs our sense of intuition, wisdom, and inner vision. This frequency will help with issues related to intuition, insight, and spiritual awareness.

963 Hz – Crown Chakra (सहस्रार चक्र)

Finally, the crown chakra is associated with the frequency of 963 Hz. It governs our sense of spirituality, connection to the divine, and transcendence. This frequency helps to foster our spiritual growth, connection to the divine, and enlightenment.

See the complete list of healing frequencies.

Mix chakra tones with meditative music and sounds for better effect

Mixing solfeggio frequencies with meditative music and sounds is a common practice for many people who use these frequencies for relaxation and meditation purposes. The music and sounds can enhance the therapeutic effects of the frequencies and helps to create a more immersive and soothing experience.

By combining the music with solfeggio frequencies, you may be able to achieve a deeper state of relaxation, improve focus and concentration, and enhance your meditation practice.