Meditation Script Writing Template (Free Download) UPDATED

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Document format: PDF, Word
Word count: 140 - 1400

Are you struggling to write effective scripted meditations? Here’s a handy template that can help you write powerful and effective meditation scripts with ease. Free download for personal use.

Using a writing template can help you write better meditation scripts by providing a structure and helping to ensure that your script flow is easy to follow.

This template comes in 2 versions: Personal and Professional.

The free personal version offers you the basic steps with the prompts to guide you through the mediation writing process.

The professional version offers expanded prompts with extensive examples tailored for different meditation types, including relaxation, focus, metta, healing, and more.


Here's a snippet from the PROFESSIONAL meditation writing template version:

Meditation script writing template (Professional version)

Step 1: Set the Meditation Scene & Context

Describe the environment and space you envision for the person to be meditating in. This can incorporate descriptions of noise, smells or any visual images that come to mind. Additionally, explain why this particular meditation practice is beneficial, fostering a sense of purpose.




"Imagine yourself on a serene beach at sunset. The sky is a canvas of soft pinks and oranges, and the gentle sound of waves lapping against the shore soothes your mind. The salty breeze caresses your skin, helping you feel calm and at peace. "


"Envision a quiet forest clearing, surrounded by towering trees with leaves whispering in the wind. The fresh, earthy scent of the forest fills your lungs, and with each breath, you feel stress melting away, replaced by the tranquility of nature."


"Picture yourself sitting beside a tranquil lake, its surface smooth and reflective. Notice the cool air, the gentle sounds of water, and the distant bird calls. This setting helps you anchor in the present moment, observing your surroundings with mindful awareness."


"Imagine being in a minimalist room with a clear desk and a comfortable chair. Outside, there’s a view of a mountain range, symbolizing challenges yet to be conquered. This simple, uncluttered space helps you center your thoughts, enhancing focus and clarity."

Metta (Loving-kindness)

"Visualize a warm, sunlit meadow filled with wildflowers, emitting a fragrance of love and kindness. As you sit in the meadow, feel the warmth of the sun enveloping you in a loving embrace, fostering feelings of goodwill and compassion for all beings."


"See yourself in a space filled with mirrors reflecting your best self, surrounded by words of affirmation floating in the air. This environment reinforces your positive self-image and supports the cultivation of empowering beliefs and thoughts."


"Imagine a sanctuary bathed in soft, healing light, with gentle streams of water and lush greenery. This place exudes a sense of healing and renewal, where every breath brings in healing energies, nurturing your body and soul."

Step 2: Offer a Simple Check-In

Before beginning the meditation, offer your audience a simple check-in with the body and mind through some universal statements. Offer grounding statements such as “You are here in this moment” or “Allow yourself to be in your body, present and aware.”




"Let your body sink into the softness around you, releasing any tension with each breath. Feel the weight of your body supported, allowing relaxation to spread from your toes to your head."


"Notice any areas of tightness or discomfort in your body. Acknowledge these sensations without judgment, and allow them to soften as you breathe out stress, inviting calmness with each inhalation."


Here's a snippet from the FREE meditation writing template version:

Meditation script writing template (Personal version)

Step 1: Set the Meditation Scene & Context

Describe the environment and space you envision for the person to be meditating in.


Step 2: Offer a Simple Check-In

Before beginning the meditation, offer your audience a simple check-in with the body and mind through some universal statements.


Included files

Personal use

  • 1. Meditation Script Writing Template (PDF 86.84 KB)
  • 2. Discount Coupon For Future Purchases (PNG 137.22 KB)

Professional / Business use

  • 1. Meditation Script Writing Template (Professional) (PDF 141.54 KB)
  • 2. Meditation Script Writing Template (Professional) (WORD 38.67 KB)
  • 3. Discount Coupon For Future Purchases (PNG 137.22 KB)

How you can use downloaded content

All downloads come with lifetime, royalty free license.

With the "Personal use" option you can use it for your own personal enjoyment (to listen or read at home, in your car, while working, travelling, exercising, and so on).

With the "Professional use" option you can use it to support your business or use it commercially (to promote your service or product, to enhanse your services, or to create derivative products). For example, when you purchase a meditation script or audio you can use it to record your own guided meditations or to make videos for a monetized YouTube channel.

You are not allowed to re-sell / distribute downloaded content or to claim the authorship. Learn more about limitations


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