How To Start With Mindfulness Meditation (3 Simple Tips)

how to start with mindfulness meditation

Mindful meditation involves focusing on the present moment, without judgment or distraction.

While understanding the concept is easy enough, how do you start if you’re a beginner?

In this post we’ll give you 3 simple tips to help you master mindfulness even if you’re a complete newbie.

Keep reading!

What is mindfulness?

Mindfulness refers to a mental state of heightened awareness, attention, and presence in the present moment.

It involves intentionally focusing on your thoughts, feelings, bodily sensations, or the surrounding environment without judgment.

Mindfulness meditation is a formal practice that cultivates mindfulness.

The most common form of mindfulness meditation involves directing your attention to a particular point of focus, such as your breath, bodily sensations, or a specific sound.

When your mind (inevitably) wanders, you gently bring your attention back to the chosen focal point.

3 tips for getting started with mindfulness meditation

Mindfulness meditation is a skill that develops over time.

Be patient with yourself, and focus on the process rather than perfection.

Here are 3 tips to help you get started quickly:

1. use guided meditations or meditation scripts

Consider using guided meditation scripts or recordings designed for beginners.

These can provide structure and guidance during your early practice.

Here are some examples of the mindfulness meditation scripts:

Easing Into Mindfulness (Meditation Script For Beginners)

File format: PDF, Word | Reading time: 10 Min

Guided Meditation Script for Mindfulness

Mindfulness meditation script for beginners (PDF and MS Word formats) to help you understand the mindfulness concept and get started with mindful practice. This script was created by a professional meditation coach who will guide you through a series of simple exercises and explain various mindfulness techniques.

Mindful Walking Meditation Script

File format: PDF, Word | Reading time: 15 Min

Guided Meditation Script for Mindfulness

Mindful waling meditation script to help you feel more relaxed and centered during your walks. This script was created by a professional meditation coach who will guide you through a series of simple mind exercises to make your walks truly mindful.

Mindful Breathing Meditation Script

File format: PDF, Word | Reading time: 15 Min

Guided Meditation Script for Mindfulness

Mindful breathing script to help you learn how to breathe mindfully. This script was created by a professional meditation coach who will teach you a variety of mindful breathing techniques.

Download more mindfulness meditation scripts.

Alternatively, you can simply listen to recorded mindfulness meditation audio:

Easing Into Mindfulness For Beginners

Listen to guided meditations online

2. Don’t be afraid to seek support

If you find it challenging to start on your own, consider joining a meditation group or seeking guidance from a mindfulness teacher or coach.

They can provide valuable insights and support.

You can always ask questions in our community forum.

3. start with a simple exercise

Still having troubles getting started?

The good thing, you can practice mindfulness almost anywhere!

If sitting meditation feels challenging, you can practice mindfulness while walking.

Take slow, deliberate steps, paying attention to the sensations in your feet as they lift, move, and touch the ground. Notice your surroundings—the sights, sounds, and smells—as you walk.

Download free walking meditation script.

Bonus tip: use meditation timer

Use online meditation timer to give your session structure and reduce distractions (like checking the time passed).

Try meditating with music for better results

Relaxing music can be a valuable aid for some individuals during mindfulness meditation, helping them achieve a state of focused attention.

When using music in conjunction with mindfulness meditation, we recommend using music that is calming and soothing, and that does not have distracting lyrics or rhythms.

Choose music that is instrumental, gentle, and free from sudden loud or jarring sounds. Classical, ambient, or nature sounds are often popular choices for mindfulness meditation.

Mother Nature Serenity

Listen to relaxing sounds online


Mindful meditation is a powerful tool in your wellness arsenal.

It’s important to note that mindfulness is a skill that can be developed over time through consistent practice.

While it might seem simple, it can be quite challenging to maintain focused attention and non-reactive awareness.

However, with patience and practice, many people find that mindfulness meditation becomes an effective tool for managing stress, enhancing mental clarity, and fostering a deeper connection to the present moment.

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