Body Scan Meditations

body scan meditations

Looking to start practicing body scan meditations?

Here you will find a collection of some of our best body scan meditation scripts and recordings along with one simple tip how to make body scans more effective.

Read about the most common challenge associated with this type of meditation practice or jump directly to the list of body scan guided meditations (scripts and audio).

Do a body scan when…

Body scan meditation can be particularly helpful in these common life situations:

When you’re experiencing Stress and Anxiety

During periods of high stress or anxiety, a body scan can help you manage your emotional state by focusing on physical sensations.

When you have Difficulty Sleeping

For those experiencing insomnia or difficulty falling asleep, body scan meditation can encourage relaxation and make it easier to drift off to sleep by calming the mind and releasing physical tension.

When you need to focus on your Work or Study

When concentration is needed for work or study, a body scan can help reset mental focus, reduce mental fatigue, and improve your productivity by alleviating tension and refreshing the mind.

your biggest obstacle when doing a body scan meditation

The most common challenge with doing a body scan meditation is maintaining focus and staying present throughout the exercise.

This is something that is commonly known as a wandering mind.

During the meditation, your attention is naturally going to drift away from focusing on your breath and scanning your body.

Wondering mind is totally normal! It doesn’t mean you’re failing at meditation.

Many people find their minds wandering to other thoughts, concerns, or external distractions, making it difficult to fully engage with the process of observing and relaxing each part of the body.

The solution is to gently bring your attention back when you notice your mind has drifted away.

IMPORTANT! Don’t judge yourself for getting distracted.

Simply acknowledge the issue and return your focus to your meditation.

body scan guided meditations

Here’s an example of a simple body scan audio meditation:

Body Scan Guided Meditation

Listen to relaxing sounds online

Here are the scripts that you can read or use it to record your own body scan meditations:

10 Min Body Scan Meditation Script

File format: PDF, Word | Reading time: 10 Min

10 min body scan meditation script (PDF and MS Word formats) to help you feel relaxed. This script was created by a professional meditation coach (not generated by AI) who will guide you through an easy-to-follow body scan exercise. You can do this meditation either sitting up (great if you want to do it during your work break) or laying down.

Gratitude For A Healthy Body (Body Scan Meditation Script)

File format: PDF, Word | Reading time: 20 Min

Meditation script for gratitude

Gratitude meditation script to help you express the feeling of gratitude towards your own body and health. This script was written by the experienced meditation instructor who will walk you through a 15-20 minute body scan exercise.

Breathing And Color Healing Body Scan (Meditation Script)

File format: PDF | Reading time: 20 Min

20 min guided meditation script (PDF) to help you scan your body for healing effect. This meditation was written by a professional mindfulness therapist and it lets you focus on your body parts while doing a breathing exercise.

Body Scan Focus Meditation Script

File format: PDF, Word | Reading time: 5 Min

Guided Meditation Script for Focus

Body scan meditation script (PDF and MS Word formats) to help you quickly bring your attention to the present and feel relaxed and focused. This script was created by a professional meditation coach who will guide you through a short body scan exercise.

Foundations Of Mindfulness, Part 1: Body

File format: PDF, Word | Reading time: 10 Min

Guided Meditation Script for Mindfulness

In this part 1 of our mini series "Foundations Of Mindfulness", you'll find an easy to follow body scan exercise meditation script that will teach you the basics of mindfulness. This script was created by a professional meditation coach who will lead you through every step of this mindfulness exercise.

Body Scan Meditation To Release Physical Tension

File format: PDF | Reading time: 8 Min

Download body scan guided meditation script to help you relax by releasing the physical tension and emotional residue held in your body.

Deep Sleep Meditation (30 Min Script)

File format: PDF | Reading time: 30 Min

Guided Meditation Script For Sleep

Long 30 min deep sleep guide meditation script to help you relax your body and enjoy rejuvenating nighttime rest. This script was written by a professional mindfulness therapist who will walk you through a series of progressive body relaxation and breathing exercises.

Relaxing 5 Min Meditation For Stress And Anxiety

File format: PDF, Word | Reading time: 5 Min

Download short 5 minutes guided meditation script to help you relieve the feelings of stress and anxiety. This meditation script was written by the professional meditation coach and it guides you through a series of breathing and body scan exercises.

Breathing And Deep Body Scan For Pain (Meditation Script)

File format: PDF, Word | Reading time: 20 Min

Meditation script for pain

Pain meditation script combining breathing and body scan techniques. This script was written by the experienced mindfulness coach who will guide you through a series of easy to follow exercises. See the preview below for more details.

Mindful Eating Habits For A Healthy Life

File format: PDF, Word | Reading time: 15 Min

Guided Meditation Script for Mindfulness

Mindful meditation script to help you reprogram your brain for healthier eating habits. This script was created by a professional meditation coach who will guide you through a series of simple body scan and visualization exercises.

Quick Body Scan To Dial Down Pain

File format: PDF, Word | Reading time: 5 Min

Meditation script for pain

Short 5 minute body scan meditation script to help you deal with pain. This script was written by the experienced mindfulness coach, not generated by AI.

Build Sexual Confidence Meditation Script

File format: PDF, Word | Reading time: 15 Min

Guided Meditation Script for Mindfulness

Meditation script to help you build your sexual confidence. This script was written by a professional mindfulness coach (not generated by AI) who will walk you through a series of relaxation and body scan exercises.